The following policy supplements the BJC Family and Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA) policy and the BJC Non-FMLA Leave of Absence policy. Residents must comply with the applicable BJC leave of absence policy. In addition, residents who apply for a FMLA or Non-FMLA leave of absence for New Child Leave (the birth or adoption of a child) or Employee Medical Leave (including pregnancy-related health conditions) will be required to use their vacation (up to three weeks) and sick leave (up to three weeks) for paid leave. If the leave is planned, vacation must be scheduled during the planned leave. Any additional approved time off will be unpaid. Click here to view this policy on the GME Consortium website.

Residents need to be aware that these leave restrictions should be taken in the context of the Surgical Board requirements of the individual’s specialty.

American Board of Surgery (ABS) Family Leave Policy

  • As allowed by their programs, residents may take documented leave to care for a new child, whether for the birth, the adoption, or placement of a child in foster care; to care for a seriously ill family member (spouse, son, daughter, or parent); or to recover from the resident’s own serious illness.
  • Residents may take an additional 2 weeks off during the first 3 years of residency, for a total of 142 weeks required, and an additional 2 weeks off during the last 2 years of residency, for a total of 94 weeks required. Note: This is an ABS policy only and should not be confused with family leave as permitted by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). No approval is needed for this option if taken as outlined.

All ABS leave policies and timing options are outlined here: