Washington University surgical residents over the last five years at Mzuzu, including Jennifer Yu, MD, MPHS, (left) and David Brauer, MD, MPHS (right).
Previous Program Director, Paul Wise, MD, joins Washington University residents at Mzuzu.
Washington University surgical residents over the last five years at Mzuzu, including Elizabeth (Liz) Wynne, MD.
Stephanie Chang, MD, was the first general surgery resident from Washington University to have an international rotation at Mzuzu.
Washington University surgical residents over the last five years at Mzuzu, including Bola Aladegbami, MD, MBA.
Washington University surgical residents over the last five years at Mzuzu, including Liz Wynne, MD, (left) and Bola Aladegbami, MD, MBA (right).
Washington University surgical residents over the last five years at Mzuzu, including Bola Aladegbami, MD, MBA.
An international surgery rotation is available for senior residents in Malawi, Africa. Residents spend two months in Northern Malawi at Mzuzu Central Hospital, a tertiary care center that serves nearly 2.5 million citizens. Residents are involved in the care of a wide range of adult and pediatric surgical patients, performing over 100 cases during this rotation. In addition they are actively involved in the training of clinical officers, medical students and nursing students. Overall, this rotation serves as a unique educational experience in surgery and medicine, especially for those who are interested in global health. Pictures below show attendings and trainees in the hospital operating rooms and wards (patient faces blurred to protect identity) as well as local countryside and wildlife.