The ninth edition of the Washington Manual of Surgery was published by the Department of Surgery in 2023. Residents have edited each edition with the assistance of the editors Paul E. Wise, MD, and Jeffrey A. Blatnik, MD. The editors select and invite residents to write or revise chapters for the book with a faculty co-author who has expertise in the topic. By writing these chapters, residents learn how to combine information from diverse sources and communicate a concise, rational approach to the management of patients with surgical problems. This collaborative effort fosters peer-to-peer learning that enables residents to convey information in a resident-to-resident style to the reader. The opportunity to learn this important skill at an early stage of one’s career is a benefit found at few training programs. The book has been commercially successful for Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Inc., and the department anticipates that it will continue to be revised every two to three years. All interns entering the program receive the book, and royalty funds are utilized by the residency for Wellness and other educational efforts for the residents.