Kristen Seiler, MD
Post-Graduate Year V
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Undergraduate: Duke University
Medical School: University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Dr. Seiler on PubMed
Trainee Appointment to NIH grant 4T32HD043010-14, 04/2017-03/2019.
2017 Association for Academic Surgery/Association for Academic Surgery Foundation Trainee Research Fellowship Award Basic Science/Translational – “Characterization of Changes in Extracellular Matrix during Adaptation following Massive Small Bowel Resection”- ($20,000), 07/2017-06/2018.
Children’s Discovery Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship – “Development of Patient-derived Small Intestine “Organ-on-a-Chip” Microfluidic Devices”- ($60,000), 02/2017-01/2019.
Washington University Center for Cellular Imaging (WUCCI) CDI micro grant- ($3000), 12/2017- 06/2018.
Medical Student Research Training Program (MSRTP) recipient, 07/2012-07/2013. Funded by NIDDK as a supplement to NIH grant T32-DK007737.
Seiler KM, Schenhals EL, vonFurstenberg RJ, Allena BK, Smith BJ, Scaria D, Bresler MN, Dekaney CM, Henning SJ. Tissue underlying the intestinal epithelium elicits proliferation of intestinal stem cells following cytotoxic damage. Cell Tissue Res. 2015 Aug; 361(2):427-38. PMID: 25693894.
VonFurstenbergRJ, BuczackiSJ, SmithBJ,SeilerKM,WintonDJ, HenningSJ. Side population sorting separates sub-fractions of cycling and non-cycling intestinalstem cells. StemCellRes. 2014 Mar;12(2):364-75.PMID:24365601
Seiler KM, Binkley M, Alvarado DM, Iticovici M, Goo WH, VanDussen K, Stappenbeck T, Rubin DC, George SC, Ciorba MA, Meacham M, Warner BW. “Development of Patient-Derived “Small Intestine-on-a-Chip” Microfluidic Devices.” Digestive Diseases Week 2018, Washington, DC. Poster Presentation (AGA).
*Seiler KM, Waye S, Goo WH, Morris SA, Warner BW. “Induced Endodermal Progenitor Cells Assume Epithelial Gene Expression Profiles when Cultured on Acellular Intestinal Scaffolds without the Addition of Exogenous Growth Factors.” Digestive Diseases Week 2018, Washington, DC. Poster Presentation (SSAT, *Poster of Distinction).
Onufer EO, Seiler KM, Alvarado DM, Good ML, Ciorba MA, Warner BW. “The Role of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Pathway after Small Bowel Resection.” Digestive Diseases Week 2018, Washington, DC. Poster Presentation (SSAT).
Gerull KM, Loe M, Seiler K, McAllister J, Salles A. “Assessing Gender Bias in Qualitative Evaluations of Surgical Residents.” Surgical Education Week 2018, Austin, TX. ASE Plenary Paper Session.
Seiler KM, Traore MA, Aladegbami B, Li HR, Swietlicki EA, Rubin DR, George SC, Warner BW. “Small Intestinal Myofibroblasts Direct Angiogenesis in an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Dependent Manner.” American Academy of Pediatrics 2017, Chicago. Oral Presentation.
Seiler KM, vonFurstenbergRJ, SchenhalsE, SmithBJ, HenningSJ.“Intestinal stem cells rely on signals from the underlying tissue for expansion following cytotoxic damage.” Experimental Biology 2014, San Diego. Oral and poster presentations. Published abstract available: FASEBJ, Volume28,Supp899.1,April2014.
*SeilerKM, vonFurstenbergRJ, BreslerM, HenningSJ. “The role of the intestinal stem cell niche in regulating the epithelial response to chemotherapeutic injury.” NASPGHAN2013, Chicago.Poster presentation (*PosterofDistinction). Published abstract available:JPGN,Volume57, Suppl1,October2013.